GTech Medical Services LLC, with the support of IIR Middle East Life Sciences, organizers of Arab Health, is coordinating and organizing the collection and shipment of medical supplies and equipment for Haiti Relief efforts during the Arab Health Exhibition & Congress, 25 – 28 January 2010. All supplies and equipment will be provided to Love a Child, a non-profit humanitarian organization dedicated to helping the children of Haiti, located in Fond Parisien, 30 miles outside of Port-au-Prince, as well as other relief organizations on the ground in Haiti.
“Arab Health is a huge medical exhibition, with over 2,700 exhibitors, most of whom have shipped in medical equipment and supplies for display at the show that either gets given away, thrown out or shipped back at great expense after the show,” said Ralph (Scooter) Childs, Managing Partner, GTech Medical Services LLC. “These items are desperately needed in Haiti right now. GTech, working with IIR Middle East, the organizer of Arab Health, is collecting any usable equipment, consumables or other healthcare items that companies would like to donate from their stands after the show closes. Arab Health is the perfect venue for organizing medical supplies for Haiti Relief and involving the world healthcare community. We are also donating equipment and supplies as well as coordinating this effort.”
With all the world’s major medical suppliers present at Arab Health 2010, there is an opportunity for exhibiting companies to participate in the relief effort through donations, logistical support and sponsorship of the Haiti medical relief effort. Medical supplies on display at the event will include imaging and diagnostic equipment, surgical and pediatric medical supplies, and general medical supplies, all of which are urgently required in earthquake-devastated Haiti.
Working alongside GTech Medical Services LLC and IIR Middle East Life Sciences, Airlink, one of the official freight forwarding companies at the event has agreed to transport the medical supplies and equipment to Europe where they will coordinate the onwards transportation to Port-au-Prince with international relief agencies. As one of the region’s largest travel, transport and logistics organizations, Airlink is pleased to be able to provide assistance during this humanitarian crisis.
“We think this is a fantastic initiative from GTech Medical Services LLC, and we, as organizers of the event are very happy to support it. We will do all we can to encourage our exhibiting companies to make donations,” said Simon Page, IIR Middle East Life Sciences Group Director. “We have already had support from our freight forwarding company Airlink who will co-ordinate shipping of the donations to Europe, and from Thomas Bennett, our design company who will produce the signage needed for the donations free of charge.”